


The mission of δ National Honor Society is to encourage superior academic achievement, to promote intelligent living and a high standard of learning, and to assist students in recognizing and developing meaningful goals in society. Eligibility requirements include ranking in the top 20% of one’s class and having a GPA of 3.5 or […]


Kappa Delta Pi

Kappa Delta Pi是由Dr. 威廉·巴格利1911年在伊利诺伊大学. It was established to 福斯特 excellence in education and promote 奖学金 among those dedicated to teaching. The founders chose the name from the Greek words to represent knowledge, duty, and power. Pioneering from its beginning by including women as […]


是, 非营利组织, is meant to further the interest of undergraduates in mathematics. It is intended to help undergraduates realize the important role that mathematics has played in the development of Western civilization. The organization also develops an appreciation of the power and beauty possessed by mathematics, 主要由于其需求[…]


Kappa Omicron Nu

Kappa Omicron Nu is the leading honor society for students in the human sciences. Our chapters are located in colleges and universities that offer a strong human sciences program.Chapter members are undergraduate and graduate students who major in one of the specializations and meet the high standards of scholarship. Kappa Omicron Nu


The purposes of 是 shall be the following: To recognize, 福斯特, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement To stimulate interest in the field of communication To provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of communication To promote and encourage professional development among communication majors To establish and maintain close relationships […]



Sigma, 全国领导与成功学会, is the nation’s largest collegiate leadership honors organization with over 200 chapters and 250,000个成员. We work towards personal, professional, and academic development. 全国领导与成功学会



欧米克隆德尔塔卡帕, 全国领导荣誉协会, places emphasis upon the development of the whole person and recognizes achievement in scholarship, 澳门在线赌城娱乐, 服务或宗教活动, 媒体, 还有艺术. 会员必须表现出模范的品格, 领导与服务, 优秀奖学金, 奖学金, 以及对民主理想的奉献. 欧米克隆德尔塔卡帕



The purpose of 欧米茄勋章 is to recognize students who have attained a high standard of leadership in inter-Greek activities, and to bring together the most representative fraternity and sorority members, 基于共同利益, 理解, 和乐于助人. To qualify, students must be active and in good standing with their Greek organization. 他们必须……


α Theta

α Theta is a professional society whose mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, 良好的教学, 出版, 以及历史学家之间的学习和思想交流. 我们寻求带来学生, 老师, and writers of history together for intellectual and social exchanges which promote and assist historical research […]


的 French National Honor Society recognizes students who maintain a 3.他们法语课的平均成绩是0分. The purpose of this Society is to recognize outstanding scholarship in the French language and its literatures, increase the knowledge and appreciation of Americans for the cultural contributions of the French-speaking world, 并激励和鼓励法国人[…]



Psi气 is the International Honor Society in Psychology, which was founded in 1929 for the purposes of “encouraging, 刺激, 保持优秀的学术水平, 推动心理学的发展.” Psi气 is one of the largest honor societies in the United States, 多于1,100章. Psi气已经引进了超过[…]


σ δ

σ δ, 全国大学西班牙裔荣誉协会, is 非营利组织 incorporated in the State of South Carolina, a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and partners with the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese and the North American Academy of the Spanish Language. 成立于[…]


西格玛τ δ

西格玛τ δ is an international honor society for English majors and minors. Its purpose is to confer distinction for high achievement in undergraduate and professional studies in English language and literature, to provide cultural stimulation on college campuses through its local chapters, to impose upon members high citizenship responsibilities, 并鼓励创造性和[…]
