

Preparing in advance of an emergency can have a life-changing impact when it matters most.

Where should you go to find shelter when a tornado is headed toward campus? What should you do if there were a fire inside your academic building or residence hall? What steps should you take if there is an armed intruder in your surrounding area? Do you know the phone numbers for the police department and other critical campus services? Do you know where to find important resources online before, during and after an emergency? Thinking about what steps you should take and what things you will need in advance of an emergency can help you be prepared when urgent action is needed.

查看一个 应急准备日历 协助你的计划. Following the steps below will help prepare you for nearly all emergency situations.

Storm Shelters and Areas of Refuge

Designated Shelters and Areas of Refuge: The 澳门在线赌城娱乐 has two designated storm shelters on campus along with several areas designated as “areas of refuge” that can be used during severe weather emergencies. We encourage the use of these areas during a weather emergency if time and safety permits. 然而, when threatening weather conditions exist or when a Tornado Warning is issued, time and other dangerous contributing factors may not permit safe travel from one building to another. If you are faced with these dangerous contributing factors you should remain where you are and seek shelter in the lowest point of the building in an interior, enclosed space away from any windows. UM shelters open when the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 is placed under a Tornado Watch by the National 天气 Service. The shelters remain open until the Tornado Watch or Warning is removed. Campus shelters and areas of refuge are provided for the safety of our students, faculty and staff.

The 澳门在线赌城娱乐’s FEMA rated Storm Shelters are located in:

The Alan and Lindsey Song Center for the 艺术

The basements of the following buildings are considered to be “Areas of Refuge” that can be used if you are unable to reach a storm shelter:

Some academic buildings may not be open outside normal business hours. Residence Halls with basements or designated Areas of Refuge can only be accessed by residents of those buildings using their student access cards.

Myrick大厅 – Academic Building (During Business Hours 8 a.m. 到5点.m.)
布洛赫大厅 – Academic Building (During Business Hours 8 a.m. 到5点.m.)
纳皮尔大厅 – Residence Hall – (Residents with Card Access Only)
戴维斯大厅 – Academic Building (During Business Hours 8 a.m. 到5点.m.)
拉姆齐大厅 – Residence Hall – (Residents with Card Access Only)
演讲 & 听力中心 – Academic Building (During Business Hours 8 a.m. 到5点.m.)
汉森大厅 – Residence Hall – (Residents with Card Access Only)


  • 有额外剂量的药物吗
  • 准备一个手机充电器
  • 有不易腐烂的食物吗
  • 要换衣服/鞋子吗
  • 戴头盔
  • Store blankets, gloves, boots, flashlight, kitty litter, etc. 在你的车上
  • 保持油箱满





警察,消防,医疗 911
大学警察 (205) 665-6155
举报罪案 (205) 665-6500
护卫押运服务 (205) 665-6155
学生健康服务 (205) 665-6275
咨询服务 (205) 665-6245

Bookmark 应急准备 Websites





Shelby County Emergency Management Agency (EMA)


Alabama Department of Public Health

Alabama Department of Transportation