Communication Faculty & Staff

Dr. Ray Ozley

Dr. Ray OzleyDr. Ray Ozley
Chair, Department of Communication
Professor of Communication Studies
Strong Hall 129
(205) 665-6233

Dr. Ray Ozley is Chair of the Department of Communication, Professor of Communication Studies, and coordinator for the Public Relations minor. He holds a B.A. from the University of Central Arkansas, M.A. from the University of Memphis, and a Ph.D. from the University of Kansas.

Dr. Ozley is interested in a wide range of scholarly topics including organizational communication, leadership, communication theory, and instructional communication. Ozley’s work has been presented at a variety of academic conferences and in peer reviewed journals, including Communication Teacher and Communication Theory.

Ozley teaches courses in Crisis Communication, Leadership, Organizational Communication, and Public Relations. Additionally, his interests supporting curriculum development led him to coordinate the creation of UM’s Arts Administration and Public Relations minors.

Dr. Ozley’s university service has included work on several college and university committees—including nearly ten years on the Undergraduate Curriculum Standards Committee. He actively supports the Applied Communication and Communication Theory divisions of Southern States Communication Association and completed terms as President and Executive Director of the Alabama Communication Association. Dr. Ozley served as the University of Montevallo Faculty Senate President from 2021-2022.

Ray’s most important commitments are at home with his wife of over 20 years, Lorrie Spradlin Ozley, and their three children. He enjoys reading and playing games with the family and is always looking for chances to take his children camping and hiking.