Students have the opportunity to participate as contributors, readers, and editors of UM’s literary and arts journal, The Tower, established in 1932 to showcase Montevallo students’ creative work.

The Tower’s head editor is chosen each year by the Student Publications Committee, which is composed of faculty, staff, and students; applications and interviews are held each spring. Other available positions include social media manager, graphic designer, copy editor, and a team of student readers.

Students interested in joining the organization can contact the Tower’s current editor at or visit the organization’s page on FalconLink for more information. Students interested in submitting creative work (fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and visual art) can do so using Microsoft Forms via the link and/or QR code available during open submissions periods on the Tower’s Instagram page, website, and informational fliers.

Tower website:

Submit to The Tower:

Follow on Instagram: @um_thetower

Alumnus Perspective

Jennifer Kelly“My favorite memories of my time at Montevallo include working on the Tower literary magazine, a group of us sifting through the piles of submissions from our classmates and arguing over which ones should be included in the next edition. At a fundraiser for the Tower on Shakespeare’s birthday, contributors from the university’s president to our professors to our classmates read their favorite poems.” — Jennifer Kelly UM ’99, Writer and Editor and Author of The Foxes of Belair: Gallant Fox, Omaha, and the Quest for the Triple Crown (2023)