English Graduate Programs

English and Education M.A./M.Ed.

The University of Montevallo offers joint programs in which students may simultaneously pursue graduate work in English and education.

  • M.A./M.Ed. in English and Education (3 Years) offers certification and criteria fulfilment to teach at levels 6-12, dual enrollment programs, and college courses; strengthened credentials for teaching advanced placement English courses; and preparation for Ph.D. or MFA programs through scholarly research or creative work.
  • Education Master’s with Criteria Fulfillment for College Teaching (2 years) offers certification and criteria fulfilment to teach at levels 6-12, dual enrollment programs, and college courses, and strengthened credentials for teaching advanced placement English courses.

Students who wish to enroll in the joint M.A./M.Ed. should fill out separate applications to the English department for the M.A. and the school of education for the alternative master’s in secondary education.

Please contact Prof. Alex Beringer at aberinger@freoreport.net with questions or requests for additional information about graduate programs in English.

Alternative master’s in secondary education