


Students at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 are highly encouraged to flex their creative muscles through the medium of their choice. 大二学生Bella Macomb选择的介质是面粉, 糖, 糖霜和软糖, which she uses to produce intricately decorated cakes for her flourishing baking business, Izzy B 's Sweets & 更多的. “我一直都在烘焙,但我……”



Kooper Rooks knows firsthand the profound impact that music can have on a person’s wellbeing. 从减轻压力到疼痛管理, music was one of the things that kept the sophomore inspired during his journey to becoming a childhood cancer survivor. “我敢保证,任何经历过艰难时期的人,都有一位艺术家……”



Anyone that meets Veronica Kloss can see that she is on a mission to fully embody the value of a liberal arts education at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐. 在她的两个专业之间, 五名未成年人和不同的校园参与, 大四学生致力于利用UM所提供的一切. “我做一个……”



虽然安娜·凯瑟琳·伊士曼原本打算学习生物学, an interest in math and medicine drew her to the path of chemistry at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐. 这位刚从密歇根大学毕业的学生今年夏天要去波士顿, as she has been selected for an internship at Harvard Medical School working alongside one of UM’s distinguished alumni, Dr. […]



The challenges of attending college in a country at war are all too familiar to Sofiia Vaida, an exchange student from Ukraine attending the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 this semester. 每天都有导弹袭击的威胁,上课也经常中断, getting a high-quality education has proven difficult ever since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of […]



安娜·布拉斯菲尔德(Anna Brasfield)在新学年开始时以金牌队队长的身份单飞. 幸运的是, the person who was ready to step up to the plate and stand by her side happened to be her best friend, Abi Dewilde. Now, Gold Side is looking to make a strong comeback, and the duo is pumped to lead […]


特色猎鹰:Josh Giles和Abby Sledd

去年的胜利刚刚结束, 今年的“紫色阵营”领袖, 乔什·贾尔斯和艾比·斯莱德, 渴望获得另一场紫色胜利. 到目前为止,他们作为领导者的旅程是一次重要的学习经历, and in times of stress the duo has received lots of encouragement from each other and Purple Side, 他们都[…]



在被招来这里打长曲棍球之前, 大四学生凯文·哈维从未听说过澳门在线赌城娱乐. 在他第一次访问澳大后, 这里距离他的家乡帕克兰有11个小时的车程, 佛罗里达, 他立刻意识到自己属于那块砖. “我完全爱上了它的大小,”他说. “我一直……



比以往任何时候都多, college students are becoming increasingly involved in politics on a local and national level. 伦敦Breedlove, a political science major going into her junior year at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐, 对政治的兴趣很快使她走上了法律之路. “我爸爸是一个超级政治人物,而且……”


特色猎鹰:Brianna Bramlett

澳门在线赌城娱乐 student Brianna Bramlett received an email from her supervisor at her part-time job at Books-A-Million about entering a contest to win a ticket to the Poets & 在纽约的作家晚会上,我想,为什么不呢? Bramlett, a double major in English and communication studies who wants to pursue a career […]


特色猎鹰:Ahtziri Chavez

Senior mass communication major Ahtziri Chavez had always dreamed of working in international communications as a producer or director of a Hispanic broadcast station. 感谢澳门在线赌城娱乐大众传播学教授. Jay Cofield和Dr. Bruce Finklea, she landed an internship with The World Games this past summer where she worked […]



天使佩里, a 澳门在线赌城娱乐 graduate student pursuing a master’s degree in counseling with a specialization in clinical mental health counseling, was selected as a recipient of the prestigious Albert Schweitzer Fellowship of 阿拉巴马州. The 阿拉巴马州 Fellows Program is one of thirteen active Schweitzer programs across the U.S. 致力于开发[…]



刚刚过去的这个夏天, Dishman艾莉, 医学预科生物专业的大三学生, 参与了一生难得的机会. She worked at the Harvard Medical School National Center for Functional Glycomics under the esteemed Dr. 理查德·卡明斯,74岁,中心主任,澳门在线赌城娱乐校友. “语言无法描述它有多神奇……”


学生焦点:Gemali Alcantara

Gemali Alcantara是来自洪都拉斯的第一代大学生. 在没有任何指导的情况下,他渴望得到更多,于是他去寻找. College was the route that he decided would be best, but he wasn’t sure how he’d pull that off. 然后,澳门在线赌城娱乐打开了一扇门. “很多学校都录取了我,但没有一个……”


Jamiya Williams

当杰米娅·威廉姆斯从亚当斯维尔搬来时, 阿拉巴马州, 到澳门在线赌城娱乐攻读心理学学位, 她害羞而矜持. 但在密歇根大学度过的四年里,威廉姆斯的一切都发生了变化. 蒙特瓦洛变了. “在我上大学之前,我真的很安静、害羞,而且……”



作为一个加州人, senior Hannah Waki moved thousands of miles to find the University she will forever consider home. “I truly cannot put into words the amount of gratitude I have for the University and the people who I have met in my time here,Waki说. “我拥有的回忆、机会和人际关系……”



澳门在线赌城娱乐 Speech-Language Pathology Master’s Student Sydney Hollars was selected as the University’s first SLP Scholarship Program recipient from Sidekick Therapy Partners. Sidekick is a 田纳西州-based pediatric private practice with over 125 speech-language pathologists, 或得到, whose mission is to employ teamwork and therapeutic excellence to empower their clients to live full and purposeful […]


学生焦点- Ellie Tarpley

埃莉·塔普利很感激第二次机会. In 2007 she came to the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 as a mass communication major with aspirations of becoming a writer. 她2011年毕业, 但不久之后就离婚了, 成为一名单身母亲,努力在自己的领域找到一份工作. “事情并没有发生……”