Counseling Master's Degree

Graduate Counseling Faculty

James L. Jackson, Ph.D.
Professor of Graduate Counseling
Dr. 杰克逊是临床心理健康咨询专业的协调员. He earned his Ph.D. 在阿拉巴马大学辅导员教育和监督. James is a National Certified Counselor, 持牌专业咨询师和咨询主管, and a Registered Play Therapist – Supervisor. 他的职业经历包括担任培训诊所主任, school counselor, outpatient therapist, group and foster home therapist, 他在蒙特瓦洛的私人诊所继续为客户服务, Alabama. James’ interests include identity development, social justice, trauma work, creative arts and play therapy, and self-care, 他将创造性的工作融入到他的教学和实践中,与学生和客户合作.
Dr. Jackson’s CV
(205) 665-6362

Judith Harrington, Ph.D.
Professor of Graduate Counseling
Dr. 哈林顿在系里协调夫妻和家庭咨询专业. Her professional interests include suicide prevention, suicide bereavement, trauma, loss and grief, crisis intervention, 临床督导及临床督导人员的培训, 包括参与编辑《澳门在线赌城娱乐》. 她在私人执业多年,并在国家的专业服务中广泛担任选举和任命的角色, regional and national levels. Currently, 她担任美国心理健康咨询师协会临床实践委员会的主席,并在标准委员会任职五年, 全国预防自杀生命线培训和实践委员会, SAMHSA赞助的由160个危机中心组成的全国网络.
Dr. Harrington’s CV
(205) 665-6375

Latofia Parker, Ph.D.
Dr. 帕克于2015年秋季加入澳门在线赌城娱乐咨询项目. Prior to coming to Montevallo, Dr. 帕克是蒙哥马利特洛伊大学的顾问教育助理教授. 作为一名康复咨询师,她有多年的经验,长期以来一直为患有智力和身体残疾的客户提供帮助. Dr. Parker earned a B.S. in Psychology from Xavier University of Louisiana, a M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling at Troy University and a Ph.D. in Counselor Education at the University of Alabama. 她是许多专业组织的活跃成员,目前任职于阿拉巴马州咨询委员会. In the fall of 2016, Dr. 帕克监督了澳门在线赌城娱乐社区咨询诊所的成功实施, 一个服务不足人群的客户可以从有监督的咨询实习生那里获得免费咨询的中心.
Dr. Parker’s CV
(205) 665-6377

Daniel Birdsong, Ph.D., Ed.D.
Dr. 伯德桑是该校研究生咨询项目咨询专业的协调员. 他在澳大获得合唱音乐教育学士学位, 澳大的教育硕士学位,主修学校辅导, 获得杰克逊维尔州立大学学校咨询教育专家学位, 桑福德大学教育领导教育学博士学位, 并获得圣十字大学咨询教育与监督博士学位. 此前,他在Alabaster City Schools担任了五年的小学辅导员. Dr. 伯德桑拥有多个州和国家级证书. In Alabama, he is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor, and Certified School Counselor. Nationally, he is a Registered Play Therapist, Approved Clinical Supervisor, National Certified Counselor, and National Certified School Counselor. In addition to serving at the UM, Dr. Birdsong在Alabaster提供兼职私人执业咨询,并在谢尔比县和伯明翰都会区提供咨询许可监督. 他积极参与阿拉巴马州咨询协会,是阿拉巴马州学校顾问协会的前任主席.
Dr. Birdsong’s CV
(205) 665-6378

Connie Couch, Ph.D., LPC
Assistant Professor of Graduate Counseling
Dr. Couch’s clinical career has spanned over 15 years, 其中大部分是在伯明翰地区进行的各种药物使用治疗和临床心理健康设置. Most recently, 她的临床实践主要是在朗蒙特的一家社区心理健康中心与儿童及其家庭一起工作, CO. Dr. 库奇是澳门在线赌城娱乐(B.S. in Psychology, 2004; M.Ed. in Counseling, 2006) and completed her Ph.D. 北科罗拉多大学辅导员教育与监督(2022年). Her clinical interests include Play Therapy, TF-CBT, child and caregiver relational development, Animal-Assisted Interventions (AAI), trauma recovery and resiliency, counselor burnout, and clinical supervision. 她的学术和研究兴趣包括动物辅助监管干预(AAI-S), creativity in clinical supervision and pedagogy, counselor career development and transitions, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), and qualitative research methodology. 她很高兴能以助理教授的身份加入澳门在线赌城娱乐心理咨询研究生项目. Dr. Couch teaches Career and Lifestyle Development, Human Grown and Development, Trauma and Crisis Intervention, Research Methods in Behavioral Science and Education, and field experience courses.
Dr. Couch’s CV
(205) 665-6309